Convert Roman numerals to numbers

This Roman numerals to numbers converter will transform any valid Roman numeral combination(s) to numbers.

Enter a Roman numeral to convert it to its correct number.

This numeral converter only accepts the following valid characters as Roman numerals: (I, V, X, L, C, D, M). Uppercase and lowercase letters are accepted.

Latest conversions of Roman numerals to numbers

NumberDate and Time
MMMDCCXXI = 3721May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
MMX = 2010May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
MMV = 2005May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
MDCXCII = 1692May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
CXXVIII = 128May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
DCLXXI = 671May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
DVIII = 508May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
XXV = 25May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
MCDXXI = 1421May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)
CCCLXXIII = 373May 03rd, 04:01 (BST)